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ক ইউনিট (2003-2004) || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2003


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Learning a second language extends one's vision and expands the mind. Looking at he would oneself through of one's perception and adds new dimensions to familiar objects or events. A second language teaches us different ways of labeling and organizing our experiences. The history and literature of a second language record the real and fictional lives of a people and their culture; knowledge of them adds to our ability to understand and feel as they feel.
a second language can help us to lael products for other people
a second language can help us to read the literature of other people
a second language can help us to read the literature of other people
a second language can help us to learn about other people
The writer recommends learning a second language
The writer recommends learning a second language
The writer thinks a second language helps us organize fictional lives o a people
The writer thinks learning a second language is superior to learning one's first language
assist /abate
s hate /abhor
native /immigrant
relinquish /abandon
humiliate /disgrace
reject / cancel
consent /agree
retard / hasten
unclear /obscure
remote /distant
He was always physically aggressive
He was always trying to stretch me
He was always trying to make fun to me
He was trying to make me stand up.
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